18 September, 2008

Thematic Photographic 16 - Nature

Carmi's theme this week is nature and although I seem to be infatuated with Spotty Chop I do on occasion enjoy taking picutes of other things.

Here is a little something I found while camping. I think it fits the meme. Or at least it fits me and the meme.


Barbara said...

Well now. This would be a very good entry for a Wordless Wednesday. The imagination runs wild, as do fun-loving fungi. ;-)

Malinda777 said...

You know you can't post this without someone actually saying it :)

The Dick Mushroom: A quaint species living for all men :)

Carmi's Nature post led me to some cool blogs and photos :)

Google Peter Peppers...more funny photos :)

Mojo said...

Actually, if you go back in my archives, you'll find that we think much more alike that you realize.

Never mind Wordless Wednesday, I want to see this one on Caption This!

Good one!

Mamie said...

Interesting, very interesting! Poor thing looks lonely. I left you a comment on my blog.

Pam said...

i guess it's just my mind, but it looks a little phallic. hehe great photo...sure to set tongues wagging. :)

thx for stopping by and commenting on my photos :)

Anonymous said...

beau sujet pour le challenge nature

Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

Now, really...how could a spider compare to this?

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Oh my lord! That is too funny! Certainly fills the theme nicely and i am sure it may fill other things nicely too.

Did i just say that? *blush*

tommie said...

That is just hilarious. I would have taken a pic just to blog about it! Thanks for visiting my blog.

MamaCta! said...

Thanks you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I've been meaning to stop by and leave you a comment, and boy, did I pick a day. I'll just say, indeed it does fit the nature theme, in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

What is Mother earth doing?
Great foto and thanks or stopping at my blog

Anonymous said...

Ummm, wow. I think I'm speechless here. iPost still has me laughing with her comment.
You really need to send this in to some magazine...the question is: Which one???!!!


carmilevy said...

Mojo's right: the mind races to think of captions for this hilariously evocative shot.

Thank you for making us all smile and think.

G. Harrison said...

the morning glory 'shroom.

i knew it was out there.


gord h.

annie said...

Ha-ha-ha! That's one horny mushroom!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Great shot! :-)