08 September, 2008

What my boss sent me this am

She came in from NY today and sent me this email:

Not sure why I thought of you….hmmm

Live your life in such a way
That when your feet
Hit the floor in the morning,
Satan shudders and says....

"Oh shit... she's awake!"


Barbara said...

I've seen this a few times in the past few days. Hmmmm --- is someone trying to tell me something? Actually, I need to be living more like this. Satan needs to be shaken up a bit. I've been a bit of a wus (sp) lately. Time to get F I R E D U P! Oh, sorry for yelling. Aaargh! Note to self: post this on the fridge, mirrors, car door, twaaalet, bedroom ceiling..... well, girl, let's get at it!


Nestor Family said...

This is good!


My new mantra....