01 May, 2012

Spring is here

Which in my house means SOCCER!!!!! Which actually almost didn't happen. I thought I signed my boy up on line. But when I sent an email on April 8th saying “when does it start”, I was told “you didn’t sign up!” can I find the confirmation e mail? Hell no, what is a old mom to do? BEG! PLEEEEEEEEED! And be successful!

We unfortunately missed the first game, but we were able to jump in running (or as Spotty  Chop is likely to do…shuffle…RUN BOY RUUUUUNNnnnnnnnnn)

Before he got his shirt

The first game he played in some of his good friends were on the opposing team

Then we played in the rain

This really says it all doesn't it? "Wait till you play in the snow baby!!!"

 He actually enjoyed himself and didn't seem to mind playing in the rain at all. Surprised me!

His official shirt! Mucho thankos to the parents whose son didn’t want to play and gave us his shirt (saved me $25!)

Is it wrong of me to get so much pleasure out of seeing Spotty interacting with his friends? Or how quickly kids he doesn't know become friends?