25 April, 2011

Thematic Photographic 143 - Please be seated

A brief intro - Carmi takes photos, he challenges you the reader to take photos and post them to matche his theme challenge. I struggle with finding things that aren't Spotty Chop. YOU should not have the same problem

If you have never heard of this, click Here

This weeks theme is  Sitting Sitting



dennisthemennis.co.uk said...

like it !!!

Mark said...

Eggcelent (groan) way of tying in Easter with Carmi's theme.

Max Sartin said...

Great picture, and pun! Thanks for the laugh.

Bob Scotney said...

A seat on wheels. I'm sitting on one and grinning laughing at your egg.

buy rift account said...

WoW! Great picture.. love it.=0