05 December, 2009

New England Snow

We just got in, it's snowing here in New England. Spotty looked outside and asked "can we go out to play?" As I had been thinking that I sucked as a mom because it was raining today and we didn't do a heck of a lot, I said "hell ya".

First Snowman of the year

Spotty's favorite thing to do in the snow


Meredith said...

my son is waiting for snow... (un)fortunately, we don`t have snow!!!! Well, he`s eager for it but I ain`t!!!

Nice snowman btw!!! ;)

sealaura said...

what wonderful pics. So glad spotty got to play in the snow. just caught up with your blog a bit and i loved looking at yout top 10 men list. I do love me some Angel (David Boreanez)
Johnny Depp I have to add Robert Downey Junior on my list.
