Spottychop has a reading assignment every week for school. Its called "the story of the week". Spotty brings home a large storybook and reads me a story. Then I read him the same story. (there are all sorts of combos, I could read it twice, he could, but this is how Spotty likes to do it.) At the end of the week they get quizzed on the story they read. Spotty always does well with this. I am so lucky I have a child that reads!
This weeks story was Hedgehog Bakes a Cake. Hedgehog wants to follow a recipe, his friends show up to help, but they don't care about the recipe. I won't spoil it for you in case you want to read it. At the end of the story was Hedgehog's Yellow Cake Recipe
This weeks story was Hedgehog Bakes a Cake. Hedgehog wants to follow a recipe, his friends show up to help, but they don't care about the recipe. I won't spoil it for you in case you want to read it. At the end of the story was Hedgehog's Yellow Cake Recipe
¾ cup sugar
½ cup butter
3 eggs
1 ¼ cups self-rising flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Ask an adult to set the oven to 350
Then, butter a 9-inch round pan
Mix butter and sugar together in a bowl
Add eggs, one by one
Add Vanilla
Mix in flour
Put batter into pan and bake for half an hour
Eat warm with a glass of milk.
Guess what Spotty wanted to do after we read the story? LET US MAKE CAKE! he yelled. We baked a cake. Spotty was happy. I was happy. And the cake? Well I am sure it too was happy, happy to be eaten! While I did have some issues with a new spring pan that Boy toy had bought me last Xmas. We were able to sort them out.
Full disclosure the recipe actually said "if desired add vanilla", which I feel is an absurd statement. "If desired?" who the hell doesn't desire vanilla? Especially if someone (I won't mention any names that rhyme with WHO) teaches you how to make your very own vanilla. We also didn't eat the cake with a warm glass of milk. Spotty had black cherry kool-aide, I had iced tea.